Questions and Answers
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TroubleTrakkerPRO Questions
•   What is TroubleTrakkerPRO?
•   How can I get help using K12TroubleTrakker?
•   How do I get started using TroubleTrakkerPRO?
•   I want to customize my TroubleTrakkerPRO set up and the way tickets are handled. How do I do that?
•   I keep getting reminders for overdue tickets. How can I make them stop?
•   Is there a way to see the user accounts and which groups they are in?
•   The bars on the activity reports aren't showing up when I print them. Why is this?
TroubleTrakkerPRO Questions and Answers
Q.  What is TroubleTrakkerPRO?
A.  TroubleTrakkerPRO is a web-based solution for reporting, tracking, and solving technology issues.

You can read more about the features of TroubleTrakkerPRO here.
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Q.  How can I get help using K12TroubleTrakker?
A.  Use the help link at the top of any page of K12TroubleTrakker. A window will open with an easy-to-use help system.
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Q.  How do I get started using TroubleTrakkerPRO?

First you need to sign up for a free trial. If you have not already done so go to


Once you have signed up and received your username and password, go to // to log in to K12USA. Select TroubleTrakkerPRO from the list of available services.

Next go to Setup Tools on the left hand menu. Then choose Manage Buildings. Here is where you will specify the name(s) of your building(s)

Then go to Manage Users. Follow the forms to create accounts for your users. Note the check box at the end of the screens which will send a welcome e-mail to new users with their account information.

If you have a large amount of users that would be too cumbersome to type, you can e-mail us a file for importing. We need the following information

First Name

Last Name

User Name (or scheme such as first initial + last name)

E-Mail address (or scheme such as username +

Password - you can use generic password for everyone if you like, users will be prompted to change it when they log in for the first time.

Group Name - i.e. User, Technician, Etc.

This information can be sent to

Next you will need to put your users into Groups. Go to Manage Groups > Manage Users in Groups. At the very minimum you need to have the persons reporting Trouble Tickets in the Users group and at least one person in the District Administrator’s group.

Below is a description of each type of Group and what users within that group can do.

System Administrator – Persons in the group have control of all TroubleTrakkerPRO functions. Note: Do not create duplicate accounts for yourself if you are already a System Administrator. It is redundant and causes confusion.

Building Administrator – This group is normally used in districts where there are multiple buildings and a technology person in each building whose responsibility it is to assign tickets to technicians. Smaller districts, or districts where there are technicians who work at multiple districts, may not need to use this group at all.

Technology Coordinator – A person or persons in charge of assigning tickets to Technicians. This group has the ability to manage technicians, report problems, and write work reports but cannot change set up or user information within TroubleTrakkerPRO.

Technicians – This group receives Trouble Tickets and writes work reports.

Users – Users can report problems and see their own problems.

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Q.  I want to customize my TroubleTrakkerPRO set up and the way tickets are handled. How do I do that?

Below are some examples of district set ups. Of these are only examples of some typical set ups. TroubleTrakker can be customized in many ways. You can always call us tool free at 877-225-0100 if you have questions regarding alternate ways to set up TroubleTrakkerPRO

Go to // to see examples of typical district set-ups, or call us toll free at 877-225-0100. 

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Q.  I keep getting reminders for overdue tickets. How can I make them stop?
A.  There are two possible reasons why reminders are sent. If you are getting notices of overdue "tickets" that have already been solved, then there was probably a problem assigned to you and no work report was filed to close the ticket. To write a work report, go to and select your state, and organization. Then input your username and password. Select TroubleTrakkerPRO. On the left hand side of the screen click on "Write Work Report". Choose the ticket from the drop down box and fill out the rest of the form. Once this is submitted, the reminders will stop. If you are getting reminder of "Tasks" overdue, then you have probably set up a recurring task that is e-mailed to you periodically. Go to Manage Tasks and remove the occurrences of the task to stop the reminders.
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Q.  Is there a way to see the user accounts and which groups they are in?
A.  Yes. Go to Set up Tools > Manage Users > View Users in Groups. This will give you a clickable list of all your users sorted by group.
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Q.  The bars on the activity reports aren't showing up when I print them. Why is this?
A.  This is because of a setting in Internet Explorer. To change the setting: go to Tools> Internet Options> Advanced> under printing, check off the box next to "print background colors".
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