Questions and Answers
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WebMailPRO Questions
•   What is WebMailPRO?
•   What are some advantages WebMailPRO has over traditional e-mail systems?
•   Can I get to my e-mail from home or somewhere else besides school?
•   Does WebMailPRO support POP3?
•   How do I use POP3 access with WebMailPRO?
•   Our staff is receiving a great deal of SPAM e-mail messages, what can we do?
•   How do I create a signature?
•   I have sent e-mails to some people and do not receive a reply. How do I know if they are receiving my mail?

I just got a message like this:

JSmith (Jane Smith) has reported a lost/forgotten password. Since this user is a WebMail user it will be necessary for you to change the password and inform the user of the new password in person.

What does this mean?

•   How do I customize my e-mail signature?
•   Is there a way to be notified when new mail arrives?
•   Does WebMailPRO have Anti-Virus capabilities? Is it possible for me to get a virus?
•   Why are attachments now blocked by default?
•   Can I disable this feature so I can receive executable attachments again?
•   How can I allow certain attachments for some people but not others?
•   I see that I can now use stationery when sending e-mails. How do I get stationery?
•   Is there a way to see all my user accounts and which groups the users are in?
•   What are the To: CC: and BCC fields I see when sending an e-mail?
•   Is there an auto-reply function in WebMailPRO that will automatically send out messages when I am on vacation or unavailable?
•   How do I import my e-mail addresses into WebMailPRo from another system?
•   Can I retrieve emails that have been deleted from the trashcan?
•   My emails are no longer sorted so that I see the most recent email first! How can I fix this?
WebMailPRO Questions and Answers
Q.  What is WebMailPRO?
A.  WebMailPRO is a web-based e-mail service specifically designed to meet the needs of teachers, staff, and administrators.
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Q.  What are some advantages WebMailPRO has over traditional e-mail systems?
A.  WebMailPRO is accessed via a web browser, allowing you to send & receive your e-mail from any Internet connected computer.

You can read more about the features of K12WebMail here.
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Q.  Can I get to my e-mail from home or somewhere else besides school?
A.  Yes, WebMailPRO is web-based so you can get it to from anywhere with a working browser and Internet connection.
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Q.  Does WebMailPRO support POP3?
A.  Yes
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Q.  How do I use POP3 access with WebMailPRO?

If you are a user using WebMailPRO and would like POP3 access, ask your WebMail administrator to configure your account for POP3. He/she will be able to give you the POP3 server name for your mail.

If you are a WebMailPRO Administrator, and would like to configure POP3 access. Go to Set Up Tools > Manage Users and check the box next to POP3 access. The server name will be provided on the same page.

To see the advantages and disadvantages of using POP3 access versus a web client go to //

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Q.  Our staff is receiving a great deal of SPAM e-mail messages, what can we do?
A.  Our K12WebMailPRO offers a district wide SPAM filter. Go to // for specific intructions on how to use SPAM filtering in your district.
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Q.  How do I create a signature?
  1. Click "Preferences."
  2. Click "Change Email Settings."
  3. Click the check box "Use Signature File."
  4. Type your Signature File as you would like it to appear at the bottom of all the emails you send.
  5. Click "Save My Mail Configuration."
This feature will automatically insert your signature into all outgoing e-mails.
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Q.  I have sent e-mails to some people and do not receive a reply. How do I know if they are receiving my mail?
A.  If the person you are sending the message to uses K12WebMail or WebMailPRO (even if they are in a different district) you can check the status of the message. To do this go to your sent folder and click on the sent message. Then click on "Status" to see if the message has been read.
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I just got a message like this:

JSmith (Jane Smith) has reported a lost/forgotten password. Since this user is a WebMail user it will be necessary for you to change the password and inform the user of the new password in person.

What does this mean?


This e-mail is automatically generated when a user utilizes our Password Lookup feature on our login page. A message is sent to you since the user cannot access their e-mail to view their password information. Since the user does not know the password to their e-mail account, they cannot log into their e-mail account to receive an e-mail containing their password information. You will need to give the user their password either in person or over the phone. Do not reply to automatically generated email. Any replies sent to the automated email with the password are not sent to the user's email address.

Please note that anyone can process a password request if they know the user's username, however they will never be able to view the actual password. You should always verify with the user that they actually submitted the password reset request before you reset the user's password.

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Q.  How do I customize my e-mail signature?

Customizing your e-mail signature is easy with the help of Microsoft Word 2000. Just follow these steps:

Create a new document (select the Web Page option)

Create and customize your signature

Select the section of the document that you want to copy

On the Edit menu, click Copy as HTML

In your WebMailPRO account, go to Personal Settings > My E-mail Settings

Use the ctrl-v command to paste the html code into the signature field

Check off the Use My Signature Option and save your changes.

Note:  If you do not see the Copy as HTML command then you will need to download and install the Office HTML Filter//

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Q.  Is there a way to be notified when new mail arrives?
A.  Yes, there is a program that you can download to your computer that will give you sound and visual notification when new messages arrive in your inbox. To install, go the following link and follow the download instructions: //
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Q.  Does WebMailPRO have Anti-Virus capabilities? Is it possible for me to get a virus?
A.  WebMailPRO messages are scanned for virus's. Sometimes it is possible to get a virus before an antidote for the virus has been created. Our virus definitions for WebMailRPO & SchoolBits are updated hourly, but you should still never assume you are immune from getting a virus. If you are relying on a network or workstation antivirus software, you should make sure it is updated regularly.
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Q.  Why are attachments now blocked by default?
A.  The vast majority of viruses recently, spread themselves by sending an executable program file (or a zip file containing one) to users who then, out of curiosity open them (opening Pandora's Box so to speak) and set in motion the automatic spreading mechanism to send out hundreds or thousands of new email messages. These executable files such as .EXE, .COM, etc. are themselves harmless to a user of our mail system until the user attempts to download them and open them. Before there can be a way to stop a virus, the virus first has to exist and be reported by users who have caught it. So this feature was created to help better protect our customers.
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Q.  Can I disable this feature so I can receive executable attachments again?
A.  If you REALLY want to be able to open those "suspicious" executable program files, then simply go to your global mail settings and disable the new feature.
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Q.  How can I allow certain attachments for some people but not others?
A.  You can specify which attachments are allowed by group. To do this, go to Global Settings> WebMail Global Preferences and click the bottom check box "Allow Downloading of Executable Attachments". Then go to Manage Groups > File Extension Blocking. From there you can specify which groups are allowed which file types. If you want to have a different setting for a specific user, you will have to put that user into their own group (Manage Users> Create a new group) then specify which attachments they can download.
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Q.  I see that I can now use stationery when sending e-mails. How do I get stationery?
A.  There are two ways to obtain new stationery templates. The first way - If you receive a message which has a style that you like, you can click the "Save As Stationery Template" button, then choose to make it a default setting (it will appear every time you compose a message) or leave it in the Template folder to be selected at will. Second - You can take templates from Outlook or OutLook Express. Go to // for instructions on how to do this.
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Q.  Is there a way to see all my user accounts and which groups the users are in?
A.  Yes. Go to Set up Tools > Manage Users > View Users in Groups. This will give you a clickable list of all your users sorted by group.
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Q.  What are the To: CC: and BCC fields I see when sending an e-mail?
A.  There are three fields one can use when sending an e-mail (this is true of almost any e-mail program not just ours). The "To" field is usually who the message is addressed to and is visible to the recipients. The "CC" field (which stands for Carbon Copy) is for recipients that the e-mail is not directly addressed to, but the sender wants to send a copy to (also visible to the recipients). The "BCC" field which stands for Blind Carbon Copy is not visible to the recipients of the e-mail. It is used when you are sending and e-mail to many recipients and do not wish to disclose all the recipient's e-mail addresses to the other recipients.
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Q.  Is there an auto-reply function in WebMailPRO that will automatically send out messages when I am on vacation or unavailable?
A.  Yes. To activate this feature go to Manage Groups > Edit Group Permissions > choose the group you want to activate the feature for and check the box entitled "Use Vacation Messages". Then each user will be able to configure their own vacation messages by going to Personal Settings > My E-Mail Settings. Note: Auto-reply messages are only sent once every 24 hours to an individual address. (so if someone sends five e-mails to a user they will only receive one reply message per 24 hour period). Most recognized mailing lists and digests will not receive auto replies.
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Q.  How do I import my e-mail addresses into WebMailPRo from another system?
A.  The easiest way to do this is to send an e-mail to all the recipients in your current address book (This way you can announce your new e-mail address too) and include yourself among the recipients. When you receive the message, click on "add to personal address book". From there you will have the option to select all of the addresses and add them.
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Q.  Can I retrieve emails that have been deleted from the trashcan?
A.  No you cannot. Emails should never be stored in the trashcan. Emails in the trashcan are automatically deleted when they are 7 days old. For example, if you receive an email today and delete it today, it will remain in the trashcan for 7 days. At the end of the 7th day it will be deleted from the trash can. If you receive an email today and delete that email 10 days from today, it will be deleted from the trash can at the end of the day because the email is older than 7 days.
If you click on the Empty Trash link at any time, the entire Trash Can will be deleted immediately as soon as you click the OK button to confirm the permanent deletion. Once an email has been deleted from the Trash Can it cannot be restored.
If your organization has email logging enabled, your email administrator may be able to print out a copy of the email message for you. Please see your email administrator for this.
You can create folders to store emails in so that you do not have to keep them in your Inbox. To do this, click on All Folders in the left menu. Type a Name for the new folder in the New Folder text box. Then click the Create New Folder button. You will now be able to move email messages to this folder for storage.
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Q.  My emails are no longer sorted so that I see the most recent email first! How can I fix this?
A.  You can sort your email by Sender, Subject, Date, or Email Size. To do this, simply click on the corresponding heading title – From, Subject, Date, or Size. One click will sort the email based on that column in descending order. A second click will sort the email based on that column in ascending order.
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