Service Demos
WorkTrakkerPRO Demos
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Common Problem Types.
DEMO 1: Report a maintenance problem, identifying the problem item and its location.
Screen 1 | Screen 2 | Screen 3 | Screen 4 | Screen 5 | Screen 6
Then, you choose from a list of common problems for that problem type.
This screen can be configured with your own common problems (or even skipped if you don't need it).
Select the Bulb burned out choice below and click the Next > button to continue.
WorkTrakkerPRO - Fixing maintenance problems in a flash!
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Central Public School District Active User:  John Sim Networks & More! Inc.
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Report a problem
Select from the list of common problems below, then click the next button.

Problem Type: Lighting
Common Problems:
Bulb burned out.
Lights won't turn on.
Problem Not Listed.

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