Service Demos
SchoolBits Demos
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SchoolBits Feature Demos
SchoolBits - Filtered and Monitored E-mail SchoolBits gives students individual E-mail accounts that can be monitored and automatically filtered for objectionable content.

SchoolBits has all the useful features of WebMailPro, with added filter and control features to meet the CIPA-filtering needs of schools and libraries.

Please note: We add and improve features to SchoolBits so frequently that we cannot keep up with updating the Demo images. The best way to experience SchoolBits today is to sign up for a Free Full-access Unlimited Use 30 Day Trial!
Click the links below for demos of the filter and control features of SchoolBits
•  Group Moderation. Administrators can define any number of groups of SchoolBits users, and assign one or more moderators to each group to handle moderation tasks.
•  Language Filtering. Administrators can configure a list of keywords that will bring an email to a moderator's attention.
•  Email Notifications. Moderators can choose to receive periodic email notifications that SchoolBits emails require moderation.
•  Logging. Every email sent and received through the SchoolBits service can be saved in a log that can be searched by user, date and subject.
•  Attachment Control. Administrators can choose whether to allow SchoolBits users to attach files to email. Emails with attachments can also require moderator approval, as can emails with in-line images.
•  Service Access Control. Administrators can set specific times when SchoolBits users can send access the service, and can also control when they can send email to each other.
•  Customizable SPAM Filtering. Filter out those annoying e-mails before they ever get to your student's in-boxes.
Click here for the original SchoolBits click-through feature demo.
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