Service Demos
WirelessTrakker Demos
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WirelessTrakker Service Feature Demos
Up to 4 Wireless Networks - each with different levels of access. School’s wireless networks are being asked to do more and more every day. For example many schools are issuing students and staff iPads that need filtered and secure access to the Internet. Guest presenters are also becoming more common, and these presenters often need full access to the Internet, but you want to keep them off your LAN. WirelessTrakker was designed to solve these problems by providing the ability to separate different groups of wireless users with different levels of access, all from one central management interface.
This screen shows you the Wireless Networks page, which gives you an overview of your Wireless Networks (SSIDs).
This screen shows you the settings detail for Wireless Networks. A variety of features such as Captive Portals, MAC Address access control, and bandwidth limiting can be configured here.
WirelessTrakker - Staff, Student and Guest Wireless Network Management
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