Service Demos
ISBossBox Demos
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ISBossBox - Easy Installation
Easy Installation - The device becomes the connection between your network and the internet, filtering and monitoring all internet traffic. Plug it in and provide a power source, and we take care of the rest.
Shipping the SecureSchool Appliance Shipping the SecureSchool Appliance Here is your ISBossBox Appliance right before we ship it to you. The appliance is rack-mountable and comes with all the hardware necessary to connect it to it's proper place - between the internet and your existing network.
When you place your order, we'll work with you on the phone to pre-configure your box to make sure your installation is a snap.
Because we perform maintenance and upgrades to the ISBossBox service through the internet, we recommend that you provide an uninterruptible power supply for your appliance to make sure it stays up all the time.
ISBossBox - Content Filtering, Blocking and Network Management
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